Monthly Family Gatherings

Convert Family Game Night

Embrace hosts a family game night in which members bring their friends and family to play a variety of board games, trivia games, and more! Members are encouraged to bring their favorite games with them to play with other Embrace family members. This night is meant to serve as a fun family bonding experience for reverts and their families.

Sister’s & Brother’s Monthly Gathering:

While most of Embrace’s programs are for brothers and sisters, we understand that we sometimes need gender specific settings to be more relaxed and focus on building brotherhood and sisterhood. Embrace conducts monthly brother gatherings and sister gatherings where we have different activities that focus on building comradery, establishing friendships, and having fun! Such activities include halal card games, escape rooms, paintball, laser tag, and more!

Seasonal Convert Community Potlucks

Embrace holds seasonal community potlucks every spring, summer, fall, and winter. Members are encouraged to bring their favorite ethnic dishes to share in these potlucks. We also play games and ice breaking activities for members to get to know one another and build new and long lasting relationships with one another. These potlucks serve to further build Embrace as a convert community and create bonds between Embrace family members.

Let’s make meaningful change in the lives of Muslim converts