According to a study done by Pew Research in 2018, the net conversion rate for Islam in America is 0%. A major factor is the fact converts find themselves marginalized from the greater Muslim community and eventually end up leaving the faith. In order to re-shape the negative perspective of Islam in America, we need to invest in our indigenous Muslims, i.e converts and give them the tools they need to succeed and help grow them into leaders of our community.
Embrace: A Project of ICNA is a convert led initiative which serves is to empower, integrate, and serve our Muslim convert community by providing safe social and educational spaces which encourage growth, shape their Islamic identity, and equip them with knowledge they need for their lifetime journey.
We strive to provide a sense of family and community that many converts search for in the Muslim community. Founded in 2017, Embrace invests in our Muslim American convert community for the purpose of helping them grow into leaders and active members of our society. We do this through providing a variety of services catered towards converts that focus on providing them a sense of growth, equality, and empowerment.